Architect: BBG-BBGM
Owner: Chevy Chase Bank
General Contractor: The Clark Construction Group, Inc.
Precast Erector: E.E. Marr Erectors
The location of this magnificent twin 20-Story tower project, at the corner of Wisconsin Avenue & East-West Highway, was unique for two factors. First, it was built on the site of the Might Mo’s at the Hot Shoppe, a favorite stumping ground for of our now President’s, Nicholas Carosi III, during his youth. Secondly, It was also located directly across the street from OMNI’s (the contactor) headquarters building, where hundreds of superintends and project managers could monitor our progress.
The precast erection was completed 3 months faster than the contractor anticipated due to aggressively engineered window-unit panelization which minimized the panel count. The precast finish was a light off-white acid etch to match the limestone on the bottom two floors. The project stands tall in Bethesda and in heart and mind of everyone at Arban & Carosi.